Residential & Mixed Use Home Projects Residential & Mixed Use Alcott Manor Alcott Manor Alcott Manor Highland Drive Apartments (Williston) Highland Drive Apartments (Williston) Highland Drive Apartments (Williston) The Aurora on Griggs Square The Aurora on Griggs Square The Aurora on Griggs Square Elite Brownstone Condominiums Elite Brownstone Condominiums Elite Brownstone Condominiums Campus Place Campus Place Campus Place CRT Condos CRT Condos CRT Condos Lumber Exchange Lumber Exchange Lumber Exchange The Current The Current The Current Hamline Apartments Hamline Apartments Hamline Apartments Library Square Library Square Library Square Mandan Apartments Mandan Apartments Mandan Apartments McEnroe Apartments McEnroe Apartments McEnroe Apartments Mercy Heights Mercy Heights Mercy Heights Minot Row Homes Minot Row Homes Minot Row Homes Northern Heights Northern Heights Northern Heights Northern Pacific Northern Pacific Northern Pacific University Flats University Flats University Flats University Village Apartments University Village Apartments University Village Apartments
Alcott Manor Alcott Manor Alcott Manor Highland Drive Apartments (Williston) Highland Drive Apartments (Williston) Highland Drive Apartments (Williston) The Aurora on Griggs Square The Aurora on Griggs Square The Aurora on Griggs Square Elite Brownstone Condominiums Elite Brownstone Condominiums Elite Brownstone Condominiums Campus Place Campus Place Campus Place CRT Condos CRT Condos CRT Condos Lumber Exchange Lumber Exchange Lumber Exchange The Current The Current The Current Hamline Apartments Hamline Apartments Hamline Apartments Library Square Library Square Library Square Mandan Apartments Mandan Apartments Mandan Apartments McEnroe Apartments McEnroe Apartments McEnroe Apartments Mercy Heights Mercy Heights Mercy Heights Minot Row Homes Minot Row Homes Minot Row Homes Northern Heights Northern Heights Northern Heights Northern Pacific Northern Pacific Northern Pacific University Flats University Flats University Flats University Village Apartments University Village Apartments University Village Apartments